As of October, 2022 Great Plains Psychological Services (GPPS) is no longer providing clinical services due to owner, Dr. Scott Pribyl's retirement and our former therapists having set up new practices. Dr. Pribyl can be contacted regarding any GPPS issues as listed above moving forward. As of October, 2022 former GPPS therapists can be contacted as follows, though GPPS can not be sure about possible future contact changes:
Kimberly Cournoyer, Ed.S, Recourse Solutions Sioux Empire 605-271-6979
Irina Goubanova, MS, Psychodynamic Therapy Clinic on Western 605-254-4789
Steve Langenfeld, Ed.D, Langenfeld Psychological Services 605-321-6568
Tara Olson-Larson, MA , Siouxland Child & Adolescent Services 605-271-7117
Carolyn Roths, M.Ed, Roths Mental Health Advocacy 605-799-5965
Clinton Sperle, MA, Siouxland Child & Adolescent Services 605-271-7117
David Sundem, MS, Sioux Falls Mental Health Services 605-321-1057